Up To 59% off

Softube Dirty Tape, Bad Speaker & Wasted Space Sale – Up To 59% off

The Dirty, the Bad, and the Wasted Collection gives users instant lo-fi options for their mixes in the form of some of Softube’s most fun-to-use plug-ins: Dirty Tape, Wasted Space, the brand-new Bad Speaker. Save up to 59% on individual plugins or the complete bundle in our limited-time sale!
Expired July 31, 2024
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Softube Dirty Tape, Bad Speaker & Wasted Space Sale – Up To 59% off

The Dirty, the Bad, and the Wasted Collection gives users instant lo-fi options for their mixes in the form of some of Softube’s most fun-to-use plug-ins: Dirty Tape, Wasted Space, the brand-new Bad Speaker. Save up to 59% on individual plugins or the complete bundle in our limited-time sale!