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Cableguys FilterShaper XL Advent Sale – 50% off

FilterShaper XL takes a giant leap into unconventional sound design with two powerful filters, multistage drive, and an immensely flexible modulation framework. Turn synths into twisted mutations that leap from the speakers. Go from subtle nuances and precise tweaks to powerful sweeps, stepped resonances, and giant wobbles. Enjoy 37% off in our exclusive Advent sale!
Expired December 31, 2024
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Cableguys FilterShaper XL Advent Sale – 50% off

FilterShaper XL takes a giant leap into unconventional sound design with two powerful filters, multistage drive, and an immensely flexible modulation framework. Turn synths into twisted mutations that leap from the speakers. Go from subtle nuances and precise tweaks to powerful sweeps, stepped resonances, and giant wobbles. Enjoy 37% off in our exclusive Advent sale!