Boom features a slick modern interface that pays homage to the most popular vintage drum machines of the past. Boom has been used on many famous projects since its launch, ranging from hit albums, feature films and radio projects. Save 90% in our 808 Day sale.
Enjoy some of the lowest prices ever on the acclaimed Sonnox range and enhance your mixes and masters with precision and quality. Save up to 87% and enjoy the benefits of the newly implemented machine authorisation for these incredible plugins! This promotion is strictly time limited - don't miss out!
Explore new possibilities in the studio with sonible's groundbreaking and unique, intelligent plugins. Celebrate their 11th year of delivering acclaimed plugins and save up to 66% on a selection of their greatest plugins for a limited time only!
Where other de-essers just reduce volume– smart:deess creates a more natural, better-balanced sound. By harnessing the power of a neural network, smart:deess identifies the exact start and end points of phonemes using spectral processing. You’ll never want to go back to your old de-esser. Save 38% on smart:deess in our exclusive sale!
Iceberg Audio is an audio company focused on creating high-quality, minimal yet powerful audio software that is a joy to use. Enjoy huge savings on their flagship The Sub instrument with 50% off in our exclusive sale!
Save up to 80% on Eventide's groundbreaking and award-winning plugins in our Plugin Palooza Must-Have's sale. Including Blackhole Immersive, Physion Mk II, SP2016 Reverb, and more!
Enjoy up to 90% off on a huge selection of Glitchmachines detailed and powerful sound design focused plugins and sample packs in our exclusive Summer sale!
Murst Instruments develop tools that are inspiring and immediate, that blend acoustic and electronic sound sources with a flexible and intuitive approach. Save up to 40% off their entire range in our exclusive Summer sale!